(559) 591-5009 [email protected]
Week: April 24th-28th

Week: April 24th-28th

Soup Production: 1,350,000+ servings

Quilts: 26

What a privilege to serve alongside Arbor Road Church (Long Beach, CA), Bethany Church (Long Beach, CA), Good Shepherd Presbyterian (Los Alamitos, CA), and Victoria Alliance Church (Victoria, BC), packing up over 1,350,000 servings of soup and 26 new quilts. Thank you to all of our short and long-term volunteers for your faithful service to the Lord, helping to feed and care for hungry people.


“Where should I go next? It’s not just a question for [missionaries]. It’s a question for all of us.” Tony Gschwend, from Switzerland, was our guest speaker at our Love Feast this week, and he encouraged each one of us to find a quiet place—free from distraction—and listen with expectation, because the Lord will be faithful to give us direction and answer our cries.

“God clears the wax of the world out of the ears of man.” How many of us feel like we have wax in our ears and cannot hear clearly because of all the busy things the world is telling us?

“There is no shortcut to going with a quiet heart to a quiet place for a quiet time,” Tony said. With all of our screens and distractions, we find it harder and harder to find a quiet place. “Seek him early. Do it in the morning.”

Tony encouraged us to be like the prophet Habakkuk and go to the Lord with great determination and expectation. “Are we expecting to hear from the Lord? Come to the Lord with expectation … God makes true on his promises each and every time.”

Habakkuk, just three short chapters, is very relevant for our time, showing us how history repeats itself, and how the Lord promises to redeem the righteous and the oppressed.

Tony also shared why he loves to come back to Gleanings for the Hungry time and time again. “Gleanings has a special place in my heart. My daughter serves on staff here. My best friend is director here … We are all winners here because the one who serves is always the winner.”

“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:18

Week: April 17th-21st

Week: April 17th-21st

It was a shorter week, as we had Easter Monday off, and teams arrived and settled in on Monday instead of Sunday. It was such a pleasure to serve alongside Shepherd Church Agua Dulce (Acton, CA), Riverside Mandarin Baptist Church (Riverside, CA), and Gateway Bible Church (Los Gatos, CA), and other short and long-term volunteers, including backpackers from China, France, Germany, and South Korea.

With the help of all our volunteers, we packed up 1,355,059 servings of soup in four days, and completed 20 beautiful quilts!

On Wednesday, April 19, Mission Without Borders picked up a shipment of soup to be distributed to ministries in Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina.

“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39


For the past month, we have had the amazing Bill and Vicki Morris from Salem, Oregon as our cooks for lunch and afternoon snack.

“The Lord is calling us to sell our beach house,” Vicki shared in chapel right when they got here. “The beach house we built in 2011, that I designed and picked out every item in the build. So the house is on the market, waiting for the buyer God has prepared.”

Bill and Vicki are retired. They thought retirement was going to look like sitting at their beach house, watching the waves every night. But one night, when she was watching the waves, she heard the prompting from the Lord to sell the house. Vicki and Bill chose to let go of that retirement dream and pursue a retirement where they can “share the love of God.”

“The Lord is calling us into more full-time ministry,” Vicki says. “We love serving with other like-minded believers in community, being the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Bill and Vicki have been serving at Gleanings since 2008. They first came to the base to visit their missionary friends, to see what ministry they were supporting. Since then, their friends left Gleanings, but Bill and Vicki keep coming—in fact, they come for two months in the fall and two months in the spring every year.

“We make a difference in people’s lives with every 8 oz serving of soup, the hug from a quilt, other items donated. We minister to others around the world from our little base.”

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:12-13

Praise the Lord for his faithful servants!


Gleanings hosts backpackers from around the world. We get to meet so many fun, adventurous people from all over the globe. This weekend, several backpackers and a few staff members took a trip to the Grand Canyon for spring break. How amazing is God’s creation?

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6



Week: April 10th-13th

Week: April 10th-13th

Week: April 3rd-7th

Week: April 3rd-7th


“Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.” Psalm 89:8

This week at Gleanings we meditated on what this verse means–the idea that God’s faithfulness surrounds him. Where the Lord is, there is his faithfulness.

We are so thankful for God’s faithfulness! Two trucks and a few other shipments went out this week, with 1,056,240 servings of soup headed to Ukraine and roughly 750,000 servings of soup and 10,500 pounds of other donated food products headed to El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Philippines with the help of our partner ministry Convoy of Hope.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped pack up even more soup, totaling about one million servings! The evidence will be the aroma of garlic and onion powder in your luggage when you get home, but the blessings will follow you too.

A special thanks to First Baptist Riverside, Shepherd of the Sierra, Aiding Children’s Villages, Inspire Charter Schools, Home Educator Resource Center, and backpackers from France and Germany.

Thank you to the ladies in the quilt room, the men in the workshop, men and women in the kitchen, and everyone who worked all over the base. God bless each one of you.

Does Jesus not continue, even today, to multiply the food and feed the crowds as he did in the gospels? Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father,” John 14:12. How exciting to be a part of this miracle: feeding the hungry and sharing the message of God’s love.


Our Thursday night guest speaker at Love Feast was Bob, one of the truck drivers from Convoy of Hope.

Convoy of Hope serves about 160,000 meals a day, in addition to providing shoes, haircuts, and hygiene to people in need. Partnering with Gleanings makes sense as a way to get nutritious food to many people. In addition to delivering Gleanings’ food to El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Philippines, Convoy of Hope is right there to provide disaster relief in the United States.

When Bob was young, his family was on Welfare. He went into the foster care system, and eventually a boy’s home. Years later, he married, and his wife’s family introduced him to Jesus.

After a terrible back injury, he had back surgery and was told that he was bound for a wheelchair. Miraculously, God completely healed Bob’s back, and he went back to work driving trucks.

Bob and his wife found Convoy of Hope in 2006, and have lived and served there ever since. “We knew we needed to help people–and listen to God,” Bob said. “My kids tell me, ‘You’re 77, you need to retire.’ I tell them, ‘Well, I’ll take that into consideration’ . . . We are just busy blessing people, but we’re only able to feed when we’ve got volunteers like you all.”


Cindy, a certified reflexology therapist, thought she was going to pack up soup this week, but God gave her the idea to serve the staff by providing reflexology, a very detailed foot and/or facial massage.

Cindy and her husband, Dennis, are from Saskatchewan, Canada. They first heard about Gleanings from Ron Wagner, who led Dennis to Christ, and their response was, “I want to be a part of that.”

The peach plant was Cindy’s first Gleanings experience, back in 2014, but this year she and Dennis decided to return during the soup season. “I came expecting to do the soup,” Cindy said, “But God laid it on my heart that I should be offering treatments . . . to serve the people who serve so many.”

Cindy was so encouraged to see that her gift was well received, and that she was able to provide the full time missionaries with a therapeutic treatment they would otherwise never be able to afford.

“It’s OK to listen and follow and not know why. God will show you the rest of the story as it unfolds,” Cindy said.

God is one that surprises us, and loves in ways we might never expect. He knows what we need, and he loves so perfectly.


Gleanings Director Fritz Meier requests for you to pray with us. Please pray for wisdom as we try to do more than just give food to people in need; we want to empower individuals to be self sufficient. What will that look like? How can we make that happen? “We have the right hearts–but we need God’s direction,” Fritz said.

“The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it.” Psalm 89:11




Week: March 27th-31st

Week: March 27th-31st

With 1,542,888 servings of soup packed, this week’s volunteers more than doubled last week’s soup production! Praise Jesus!

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”  Hebrews 6:10

We have many people to thank for giving their time to serve the Lord here this week, including volunteers from Joyful Christian Community Church (Monrovia, CA), Bridgeway Christian Church (Granite Bay, CA), Country Cowboy Church (Sonora, CA), backpackers, and faithful Mission Builders. God bless each one of you.

A group from UC Davis called Davis Christian Fellowship arrived Tuesday, and you could feel the energy and enthusiasm from these college students who chose to serve at various missions organizations during spring break. They were more than ready to jump right in. Thank you!


You know when someone works so hard that they seem to be everywhere at once? That’s Peggy. Her sweet spirit and endless energy continually bless everyone around her. She is 74 years old, with 2 sons, 4 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. When the people in the RV next to her told her about Gleanings, seven years ago in Yosemite, she decided to check it out, and she has returned many times since.

If you watch her for just a day, you will see that Peggy has the gift of seeing something that needs to be done and doing it with excellence. She serves in the kitchen at Gleanings with all her heart, working quickly and efficiently. “I don’t feel old,” she says. “I have two good hands, and I’m going to use them.”

Peggy loves to travel, and she knows God has called her to travel in her RV at this time in her life. “I don’t make any plans,” she says. “I’ve learned that if I make a plan, God’s got the eraser.” She has been listening to the Lord and obeying, going wherever he leads.

Mission Builders International RV Associates is a YWAM group that travels from one base to another in RVs, helping out as needed, and Peggy just joined this group of Mission Builders. Their motto is “Don’t Retire, Refire,” which is exactly what Peggy is doing. Wherever she goes, she will bring a bright smile and a great attitude as she serves.


Three trucks with a total of 2,615,000 servings of soup and many pallets of dried fruit and quilts went out this week; two are headed to Haiti and one to South Africa. In the shipments to Haiti, Gleanings is sending concrete mixers, generators, other hardware, and computers to Mission of Grace Orphanage and The Church of Bible Understanding.

These trucks and supplies have been covered in prayer! Please continue to pray for the transportation and transitions to run smoothly, and for the people who will receive the food and supplies. Praise God for his wonderful work.

How amazing and encouraging is it to hear prayers go up to the Lord in all different languages? As we prayed for the 3 trucks that went out this week, we heard many prayers in Korean; there were 20 Korean volunteers here this week. We praise God for the beautiful diversity of his faithful ones!


Spring is certainly making its appearance in between the March showers. We had many dragonflies emerging from nymph stage near the water source on base, which was great entertainment for everyone here, and a visual reminder of God’s perfect design for his creation.

“Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.” Psalm 96:13

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of the Gleanings for the Hungry ministry.