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DTS Outreach Week 3

DTS Outreach Week 3

The DTS team is on our third week of outreach. This week has been a test of our resilience, both as individuals and as a team. However we have also seen the power of God in our work and the people we have served. Several key highlights transpired this week. We visited the Paiute elder center and the soup kitchen at the Methodist church and gave out Gleanings soup and food boxes. We also had a special time of prayer at both places.
At the Paiute reservation, the team had an opportunity to work on a housing project. For two days, we worked with vigor and dedication in the heat. We cleaned out the yard, sanitized and painted the kitchen, and also cleaned a car. By the end of the work project, the team had removed over 2600lbs of waste from the property in two days.
Additionally, the team also had an opportunity to be involved in a high school graduation event called Sober Grad. It is an annual tradition in Bishop where the churches come together to throw a huge party for the graduating seniors. They have food, prizes, inflatable games and more, all in a successful effort to keep the students from making poor choices on grad night.
Throughout this week, the team has given its best in all its endeavors. The work was intense, but we were committed and we got the work done. We are thankful for the relationships that we were able to build. As we look forward to continuing our journey to Denver, we are sad to say goodbye. However we keep looking forward to the transformation of lives that comes with humble acts of service before Christ.
Great week!

Great week!

We started the day praying over a shipment of 42,118 lbs of soup mix and rice going to Poland and Ukraine with New Manna Ministries. Then the team from Fired-Up Youth Ministries led worship, it was wonderful have the room resounding with young voices!
Eastern Europe is in the house; youth from Georgia and Bulgaria are here for a day’s volunteer work. We are enjoying the connection with World Link Exchange. And lastly just in case you think these kids work too hard, morning break includes homemade snacks by the pool.
Peach Season 2022

Peach Season 2022

PEACH SEASON, Day 1! Throw Run Fix 2022
– The Summer Staff introduce themselves after worship, if you need help look for the young people in the bright blue shirts.
– Andy used a visual aid to demonstrate how sin binds us, and how we are to throw it off!
– The first peaches roll down the line, are pitted, and loaded on trays to dry in the sun.
DTS Outreach

DTS Outreach

Today we prayed the DTS team out the gates and into the Outreach phase of their school. They will serve in ministries in CA and CO, returning in July. They are such a beautiful team; we are excited to learn where the Lord will take them and how he will grow them.
Summer Staff have arrived and will spend the week in training, prep, and prayer. Peach season is nearly upon us!