By Joash
The DTS team has completed its fifth week of outreach. Our time was focused on service projects, intercession, and evangelism. Boulder and Golden are two of the places where we had prayer walks and interactions with people. We actively listened to people’s stories, talked to them about Jesus and prayed with or for them.
During the week, the DTS team was involved in house moving. We had an opportunity to help a YWAM family. We gave our time and dedication towards the work for three days.
An exciting event that occurred during the week was our visit to an African church called Kingdom Connection in Aurora, Colorado. They operate a food bank once a week and we had an opportunity to partner with them. It was also a time where the team got to experience a different culture and how that affects the process of work and service.
Through the course of the week, we have given ourselves towards the work of ministry. We have gone through moments of trial and also moments of hope. However this week has revealed to us the power of the Father’s love. Therefore we continually strive to be servants and disciples of love for the glory of Christ Jesus.