(559) 591-5009 [email protected]

By the connection of one of our volunteers, we were blessed by a visit from Rodney and Jenni Carlson. They have a ministry of reciting memorized passages of the Bible, bringing the words to life through their expressive, vocal narration during chapel. Jenni began by reciting two Psalms; she was followed by Rodney, who dynamically spoke the entire book of Philippians aloud. Words and verses took a new depth as we all listened. Through this, the Carlsons encouraged and inspired many of us to memorize by repeatedly speaking the Word aloud.

Every Thursday we hold a love feast to honor our volunteers. The dinner is prepared with special attention and a speaker is normally brought in. Lately, staff members having been filling the role of the speaker and this time it was Sheldon Munro. His mission stories spanned back from even before he came to Gleanings. What a treat!

Well over 1 million servings of soup were packed this week and two more trucks were loaded for Honduras and Convoy of Hope.