- VBS at Frist Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield
- VBS at Frist Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield
- VBS at Frist Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield
- VBS at Frist Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield
- VBS at Frist Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield
- CHEA 2018
- CHEA 2018
- CHEA 2018
Working hard and serving others are part of life at Gleanings For The Hungry. Occasionally, we take those concepts on the road to impart into others. Recently, we packed up some peaches, and pictures, and went to Pasadena, CA to share the message of who we are and what we do, at the Christian Home Education Association (CHEA) conference. For three days we made friends and talked about sharing God’s love all around the world. Longtime friends and volunteers stopped by to chat, and soon they were telling passers-by their own experiences. There was a fun moment when two different long-time friends of Gleanings were at the booth and met for the first time.
In June, we also loaded up everything needed to package dried soup mix and took it to a Vacation Bible School. First Presbyterian Church in Bakersfield, CA invited us last year; it went so well they REALLY wanted us to come back a second year. The kids are so cute, and the opportunity to share the simple message of serving Christ while serving others was too great to pass up.