This week I sensed a great hunger to get to know God better, to know Him for who He is, to drink from the well of living water. People have been open to share their heart, open to learn more. And it hasn’t been a prideful or I know it all kind of thing, it’s been real and raw, and full of encouragement to grow together, to learn together. It felt like one big family that shares with each other, that listens to each other, and is there for each other. It wasn’t so much focused on our problems and struggles, as it was sharing the testimonies how God met us. How I was tired but now I am filled with joy, I was lost but now I am found.
I think even though there was lots of hard work to be done, this week felt very restful. All the storms around us were quieted and peace, love, and joy surrounded this place and each individual.
I am reminded of the story of the prodigal son the part where the Father’s arms are wrapped around his son and the Father’s kisses are on his cheek and His robe of glory is upon his son as the feast of love begins. I think something shifted here this week, it was returning home kind of week and people felt that they are being embraced by the Father, and that He is speaking over them: ‘You are worthy!’ Week of celebrations and breakthroughs!
Blessed to be part of it!
- inspection
- conversations over work
- cutters
- beautiful smile
- dried fruit
- dried fruit
- more dried fruit
- Thank God for Al and his gift to fix things
- our awesome peach plant manager
- car wash or truck wash
- yes, we recycle
- freshly painted
- new coat of paint
- kitchen
- such a treat to have Alex here this week
- stuck buckets
- cup-up view
- fun on the cup-up
- more cup-up
- wood shop
- break time
- team work
- morning time in the field
- work done