(559) 591-5009 [email protected]
February 29th – March 4th

February 29th – March 4th

By the connection of one of our volunteers, we were blessed by a visit from Rodney and Jenni Carlson. They have a ministry of reciting memorized passages of the Bible, bringing the words to life through their expressive, vocal narration during chapel. Jenni began by reciting two Psalms; she was followed by Rodney, who dynamically spoke the entire book of Philippians aloud. Words and verses took a new depth as we all listened. Through this, the Carlsons encouraged and inspired many of us to memorize by repeatedly speaking the Word aloud.

Every Thursday we hold a love feast to honor our volunteers. The dinner is prepared with special attention and a speaker is normally brought in. Lately, staff members having been filling the role of the speaker and this time it was Sheldon Munro. His mission stories spanned back from even before he came to Gleanings. What a treat!

Well over 1 million servings of soup were packed this week and two more trucks were loaded for Honduras and Convoy of Hope.

February 22nd – 26th

February 22nd – 26th

The first few days of the week were used to finish up bagging the last of the trail mix. With that finished, the volunteers were able to get a jump on soup. Several of the days went long this week due to a variety of reasons, including trail mix tear-down. While the weekend is most welcome, the team finished strong.

The fumigation tunnels remains one of our biggest projects. The foundation has been finished and the crew has started building the walls.

February 15th – 19th

February 15th – 19th

It’s the time of year where things take a little turn in the soup plant and work switches over the bagging trail mix. Ingredients were measured into buckets, lined up, and then combined in a mixer. After that, an assembly line bagged and packed the trail mix, not unlike the soup packing process.

On Thursday during chapel, we were blessed by the chance to hear from missionaries that have been living in China. Their stories were both encouraging and invigorating. God is moving in China! We also took time to intercede and rejoice on China’s behalf at the end of the service.

Construction has begun on the new fumigation tunnels for the soup plant. The foundation is almost completed. After breaking up the ground, clearing away the unneeded soil, and setting up the rebar, we are able to pour the concrete today. We’ve had many helpers throughout the week, working hard to see this project through.

February 8th – 12th

February 8th – 12th

A lot of new developments have been taking place!

The foundation work for new fumigation tunnels is underway. The old tunnel posed several problems in size and maneuverability. These new tunnels will be larger and more efficient.

With an inspection ahead of us, much work needs to be done in the peach plant. The machinery is being deep cleaned and repainted. The contrast between the new and the old is incredible! It’s beginning to look like a new plant.

February 1st – 5th

February 1st – 5th

It already February! Not only that, but the first week of teams is already an event of the past. That’s not to say it’s no longer significant. Quite the opposite. A major theme lately has been talking about and reflecting on the value of time; time is a ruler for the great things God has done and is doing even as you read this.

The value of our volunteers is extensively indescribable; there is no way around it. The trays that need repairing for the summer season would remain broken. Fewer people in the world would have a warm quilt to wrap around themselves. Millions of people would have no chance at surviving life without the soup and peaches, prepared by the volunteers hands.

A large portion of our volunteers this week came from all over the country under the umbrella of the organization Young Enough to Serve (or YES!). Their name reflects not only their attitude, but the attitude of pretty much everyone else here. Were people ready and willing to scoop soup hours on end? Yes. Did anyone step up to help paint the soup plant? Yes. How about hands steady enough to sew quilts or reassemble fruit trays? Yes!

That interjection could also reflect the excitement surrounding the truck we saw off to Guatemala. While every truck is meaningful, this one was very personal for the staff, as well as several of our volunteers, both long- and short-term. The container was full of soup for Hope of the Nations, a feeding ministry started by Eric Rivera, our former director of procurement and distribution at Gleanings. Yes! Transformation is taking place in this world.