by Mohammadjon Mamatkulov | Jun 22, 2023 | Gleanings Stories
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Ps. 127:1
Now we are transitioning from making soup to processing peaches and nectarines. Every year there is excitement on base as we prepare for our summer staff and summer teams to arrive and serve. As we visit fruit growers and equipment companies, we connect with various people in the farming industry. Everyone faces challenges. We have the opportunity to listen and pray with many of our friends who run businesses here. Gratefully, we are receiving much favor and we appreciate everyone who helps us to succeed in producing the dried fruit. At the same time, we pray for all our donors. May the Lord lead and guide them to successfully run their businesses, to employ their workers, and to be a blessing in our community.
Let’s labor to the glory of God this summer and let’s build His house!
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by Mohammadjon Mamatkulov | Sep 28, 2022 | Gleanings Stories
Champions of service, Bethany Middle School returns for the 3rd time this year, making Gleanings part of their bonding during the 2nd week of the new school year. This was the first visit for about half the students. We sure love having this team here! They produced 21 pallets of Soup Mix, which equals 311,752 servings; 2 pallets of black beans were also packaged.
With a team this large the kids could be found working projects all over the base including landscaping, and repairing peach trays, and most likely other projects as well! God bless you for blessing the hungry with your service!
by Mohammadjon Mamatkulov | Sep 16, 2022 | Gleanings Stories
We’re back along with a team from Redding Christian Fellowship, who have been volunteering at Gleanings for years. We also have visitors from Latvia, Slovakia, New Zealand, and Canada. We are enjoying a change of the pace of work from the Peach Season.
Al and Jeremy are working on a new leach field for the future Single Staff Housing. Jerry is rehabbing our endless stash of used furniture. The weather has cooled down to the mid 80’s, making very enjoyable. Tonight we will celebrate the first Love Feast of the season.
Our theme for this season is Matthew 6:33
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

by Mohammadjon Mamatkulov | Jun 30, 2022 | Gleanings Stories
The DTS team has completed its fifth week of outreach. Our time was focused on service projects, intercession, and evangelism. Boulder and Golden are two of the places where we had prayer walks and interactions with people. We actively listened to people’s stories, talked to them about Jesus and prayed with or for them.
During the week, the DTS team was involved in house moving. We had an opportunity to help a YWAM family. We gave our time and dedication towards the work for three days.
An exciting event that occurred during the week was our visit to an African church called Kingdom Connection in Aurora, Colorado. They operate a food bank once a week and we had an opportunity to partner with them. It was also a time where the team got to experience a different culture and how that affects the process of work and service.
Through the course of the week, we have given ourselves towards the work of ministry. We have gone through moments of trial and also moments of hope. However this week has revealed to us the power of the Father’s love. Therefore we continually strive to be servants and disciples of love for the glory of Christ Jesus.
by Mohammadjon Mamatkulov | Jun 21, 2022 | Gleanings Stories
The DTS team has completed its fourth week of outreach. We arrived at YWAM Denver on Monday and were met by Peter and Linda, who are the YWAM Denver directors. They gave the team a breakdown of the base and the available opportunities. We also met Pepo, who is originally from the Dominican Republic. He also got the team up to speed on the work ahead.
A large portion of the team’s work was carried out at Arvada mission. It is a day shelter and a ministry of the Rising church that seeks to minister to the poor, hurting, addicted, marginalized, and homeless in Arvada, Denver. Our team was able to assist in service projects such as church cleaning, painting of showers, organization projects, clothing distribution, and food banks. Additionally, they received a box of our Gleanings soup mix to feed the people they are serving.
The team also had an opportunity to work with Jeff. He does local outreach in Denver as well as international outreach in Africa. We helped him prepare for a local event at the church of the city. Part of the preparation was accomplished by a door-to-door initiative over a period of three days. The other part involved shopping for items that would be given away for free at the event.
At the event on Saturday, Joash and Andria were able to give their personal testimonies. It was powerful to witness God’s work as many people came to the front for prayer and to receive salvation.
As a team, we are determined to keep serving Christ in this season. We are glad for the opportunity to be salt and light in the community.