(559) 591-5009 [email protected]
Day of Prayer

Day of Prayer

We love to do prayer and intercession on Thursdays, but today is a special Thursday.  It’s the National Day Of Prayer.  Will you join us in prayer?  Pray with us for our Nation, and State, and local governments.  Pray with us for our children, and education Pray for us for our Church – Unity, brotherly love, opportunities to share God’s good news.  Pray for us about issues that divide our nation like gender and sexuality issues.  Pray with us for those refugees in harms way, and trying to find a place in the world.

The Least Of These

The Least Of These

Matthew 25:40  “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Gleanings is so happy to have so many wonderful partner ministries distributing food with the hope of the good news.  We also are thrilled to have smaller ministries.  Mission Builders Dan and MaryLou Barthold recently took a couple trips to Mexico.  They were able to take food, and quilts into Mexico, to ministries that otherwise, might not have received any aid.  One ministry they visited is called “The Least Of These”, where women and children that have been abused and marginalized are able to get some help and find the dignity and love they need.  Pray for The Least Of These Ministries in Vicente Guerero, Mexico.

Well, now THAT’s a deep subject!

Well, now THAT’s a deep subject!

What a big job!  I’m going to try and describe what we did, otherwise even looking at the pictures wouldn’t make much sense.  One of our wells is located on the Southeast corner of the property.  We cleaned and serviced the pump and put it back down in the well.  The challenge comes when you realize this well is over one thousand feet deep!  We are using a special water hose instead of metal pipe, to make the job easier.  When you look at the close-up pictures you can see we have banded the rubber hose together with the heavily insulated power cord.  The power cord alone weighs over a pound per foot.  In order to control the pump, hose, and cord as they descend into the well, we used a couple tractors, chains, a pulley, and a whole lot of people power!  First, we laid it all out – along the entire length of the property.  Then, when all was ready, the signal was given, and we began to slowly walk the pipe toward the well.  Special power washer sprayers were rigged up to wash the mud off the hose for its descent into the well.  A special thank you to all who worked on this special project!

Week: Feb 25 – March 3 Blessings of the Lord

Week: Feb 25 – March 3 Blessings of the Lord

“Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. 7“The LORD shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.  Deuteronomy 28:6

We started the week off celebrating the official turning on of our Solar field – a dream come true!  would you believe we ended up making about 2.5 million servings of soup along with dozens of quilts and all the other things that go on around here?  What a great place of blessing that we should be able to a part of God’s Plan.  We truly are blessed coming and blessed going!  Here are a few pictures from the week,

Week: July 23 – July 29

Week: July 23 – July 29