(559) 591-5009 [email protected]
Week: October 24th-28th

Week: October 24th-28th

Happy Friday all! We are especially ecstatic this week, because we finally got some much needed rain – yeay! The kids around base (and a few adults too!) had a blast jumping in the puddles, and running through
the rain. Thank you Lord for this beautiful blessing.

Another joy this week was our time with Fellowship in the Pass, from
Beaumont, California. Together we accomplished much, including some
new flooring and redone cabinets in a few staff houses, lots of cozy quilts, and many, many servings of soup to feed the hungry of the world. Thank you all for your hard work, and safe journeys until we meet again.

Week: October 17th-21st

Week: October 17th-21st

We would like to say a great big thank you to Rancho Bernardo Presbyterian Church, for all of their hard work and dedication this week! It is always a treat to have this group come down to serve with us. The quilt room was hopping as the quilters put together 16 beautiful quilts, many of them to be shipped out soon to bless Haitians who have lost much in the recent storm.

This week we also had several backpackers with us, three from Spain, and two from China. The Spanish backpackers even blessed us with a delicious Spanish Omelet for dinner one night – delicioso!


Week: October 10th-14th

Week: October 10th-14th


This seems to be our word of the week here at Gleanings; amazing fellowship, amazing work, amazing food, amazing music, but most of all, an amazing God!

This week we had the joy of serving with Wilshire Avenue Community Church from Fullerton, California, and what a time we’ve had! The Gleanings staff are always so blessed by Wilshire Ave, their amazing leader, El Roy Pankow, and the troupe of musical, humble, Christ-like, amazing people that he brings.

With their help, along with many Mission Builders, and Emma, a new backpacker from Spain, we produced 1.2 million servings of soup, many beautiful quilts, numerous freshly fixed pallets and trays, and plenty of amazing memories to last a lifetime, and beyond! Glory to our amazing God!

Week: October 3rd-7th

Week: October 3rd-7th

Well, it’s Friday again, and what a week we’ve had!
Arbor Road Church from Long Beach and First Christian Church of Santa Maria were here with us, as well as some friends from Canada, Switzerland, China, and beyond.

We made new friendships, rekindled old ones, produced over 813,000 servings of dried soup, repaired many pallets and trays in the woodshop, and had a blast doing it! Praise God!

This week’s big excitement, however, was in the quilt room, where they produced 52 quilts, beating the previous record of 50 quilts made in one week. Way to go quilters!!

We had the privilege of closing this week together by praying over two containers being shipped out, one to Haiti full of peaches, and another to Greece, with 34 quilts made just this week, and several pallets of soup.

Thank you to our teams and volunteers, and all of you praying for us – to God be the glory!

Week: September 26th-30th

Week: September 26th-30th

Fall is a time of changes!

We loved having a team from Stockton here this week. It’s like a family reunion. It’s been so great to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones, over scoops of soup and garlic powder.

There are changes in the soup plant this season as Henrijs has taken over and is overseeing the work there. This week he calculated we made over 1,000,600 servings of soup.

The quilt room also reopened this week and they made about 37 quilts. We began the project of installing an overhead roof from the warehouse to the fumigation tunnels. We updated our landscaping by replacing Summer plants for Fall plants.  It’s been awesome to have Vicki and Bill back in the kitchen, and a blessing to have a crew from Teen Challenge caring for our lawns.

This team is very friendly and family oriented, so in the evenings by their initiative, there has been root beer floats and games for all ages. What a blessing for our community.

The theme of the ‘Body of Christ’ came up many times in Friday sharing time. People were encouraged to see and recognize that every job be it little or big matters. It’s like a puzzle, you can’t finish it if a piece is missing. This week people were filling the pieces by coming and serving alongside us.

We are encouraged how this season has started and are looking forward to what is yet to come.