Summertime at Gleanings For The Hungry is hard work, high energy, a totally unique experience of serving the Lord and making food for the hungry. Summer is peach season, so from June through August we welcome teams to serve in our sun-dried peach production. Our program includes housing, great meals, Christ-centered chapels and meetings, fun summer activities, interacting with staff and other groups, and a full day of work drying fruit in beautiful Central California. Team up with your friends, family, school or church and join us this summer.
Are you ready to sign up?
Spots are limited! Deposits due by Thanksgiving
Get some summer details
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Chapel
9:00 AM Work
10:30 AM Snack Break
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Work
2:30 PM Snack Break
4:30 PM Clean Up
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Evening Activities
10:00 PM Quiet Time
11:00 PM Lights Out
SUNDAY: Arrive between 4-6 PM (No meals provided)
MONDAY: All Meals, Orientation Chapel, Full Workday, Missions Night, Activities
TUESDAY: All Meals, Early Morning Prayer*, Chapel, Full Workday, Free evening
WEDNESDAY: All Meals, Chapel, Full Workday, Free evening
THURSDAY: All Meals, Early Morning Prayer*, Chapel, Full Workday, Love Feast Dinner
FRIDAY: Breakfast and Lunch, Chapel, Half Workday, Clean Up, Departure no later than 2 PM
Schedule is subject to change each year.
*Optional Activity
Summer is a very work intensive season. We encourage all volunteers to come knowing that work during summertime and fruit production is physically strenuous. During summer season there is an increased demand for volunteers who can commit to serve and focus on the task for extended periods of time. We welcome willing and hard-working teams, small groups, families, and individuals to serve with us.
Adults 18+ self-motivated and responsible
Students 13 – 17 with adult group leaders
Children 12 and under with individual leader or guardian
General Summer Season Volunteer Fee
$200 per person / $100 per child (12 and under)
Final balance deadline: 2 weeks prior to arrival
$50 non-refundable deposit per spot
Summer deposit deadline: December 31
Note: Our summer planning team has a goal of scheduling 100 working volunteers for each week. This will help us run the most effective fruit production. You can help us by recruiting your team quickly, confirming your final roster early, and submitting your final payment on time.
Please communicate early and avoid late cancellations.
FRUIT PRODUCTION WORK: Repetitive tasks on production line, fresh fruit inspection, positioning fruit on cutting machines, spreading and turning cut fruit on trays, lifting and laying out trays of fruit to drying field, cupping up fruit in the field, picking up trays of finished dry fruit, loading trays onto equipment, inspecting dried fruit, packaging dried fruit.
CLEANING WORK: Kitchen, restroom, dining hall cleaning. Peach plant daily clean up (messy work); sweeping, scooping, washing, rinsing, sanitizing. Final cleaning of your living area. Final cleaning of specific campus area.
OTHER WORK AREA: Kitchen food prep, wood shop pallet and tray building, soup mix production, gardening, grounds-keeping, refilling water station, general maintenance and repair, and more.
DORMS WITH BUNKBEDS: Gleanings generally plans to house all summer volunteers in the dorms. All dorms have bunk-style beds. You will likely room with another group unless your team is large enough to fill all the beds in a dorm room.
PRIVATE ROOMS: Special reservations for private rooms or adjoining suites may be requested for summer volunteers such as adults, leaders, families, guests with specific needs or limitations. Make special requests as early as possible–private rooms are extremely limited.
RV SPOTS: Gleanings offers spots for all types of recreational vehicles with full hook ups: water, septic, electricity (30 or 50 AMPS)
Get your team ready to serve at Gleanings
Make a Request to Volunteer
Pay Deposit for Your Team
Fill Your Spots & Submit Your Team Roster
Complete Release Forms
Prepare Your Team to Serve
Make Final Payment
Show Up

Hey Leaders, Give Us Some Honest Feedback
Gleanings offers an amazing leadership development and Christ-centered discipleship program for young adults 18-25 years old called Summer Staff. Learn more about this life-changing opportunity.

Office: (559)591-5009
Reception: [email protected]
Booking: [email protected]
Director: [email protected]