(559) 591-5009 info@gleanings.org

More than enough

Several times this year both before and during the first half of Summer, we posted an appeal for more summer teams to come and help.  The Lord heard our prayer – and you answered!  Thank you so much to all the churches, ministries and families that have taken time out of their Summer to come and serve with us.  We have been able to process peaches (a LOT of peaches) – and complete some property improvement projects – AND make some soup!

Week: July 25th-30th

Week: July 25th-30th

You all probably have read the story about 5000 hungry people that Jesus fed. And in the story there is this little boy, who had five loaves and two fish. It wasn’t much- not nearly enough- but it was all he had. Jesus friends laughed when they saw his little lunch. But Jesus knew it didn’t matter how much the little boy had. God would make it enough, more than enough. It’s what God had been doing from the beginning. Taking the nothing and making it everything. Taking the darkness and making it light.

I’ve seen this little boy’s heart in people here this week. They might have felt that they don’t have much to offer, but their hearts have been willing to give their all. They may not see the impact that their time of turning peaches has on the world, where the need is so overwhelming. But Jesus smiles, winks his eye and whispers “Watch!” and He makes miracle out of it – He makes it more than enough. And we hear stories how lives have been changed, because they chose to come and give their all.

Attitude is everything, so pick a good one, says sign in our mission builder lounge. I would like to thank you for choosing a good one this week, and giving your all, it’s been such an honor to work alongside with all of you.

Can’t wait to see how God will multiply the love that was given here this week.

If you would like to read more about what difference your work, prayers and financial support does, sign up for our monthly newsletter here https://gleanings.org/?page_id=56.



Abundance of Peaches

We are grateful this year we have seen an abundance of fruit!  Week after week local growers have called saying “We have some fruit for you!”

Week: 18th-23rd

Week: 18th-23rd

We are half way through Summer, and this week has been a week of celebration. I feel like Psalm 145:13-19 is a perfect reflection, to sum up, God’s work here at Gleanings for this first part of Summer.

“You are the Lord that reigns over your never-ending kingdom,
You are faithful to fulfill every promise You’ve made.
You manifest Yourself as “Kindness” in all You do!
Weak and feeble ones, You will sustain.
Those bent over with burdens of shame, You will lift up.
You have captured our attention, and the eyes of all look to You.
You give what they hunger for, at just the right time!
When You open Your generous hand, it’s full of blessings,
Satisfying the longings of every living thing!
You are right in everything You do;
And Your love is wrapped into all Your works.
You draw near to those who call out to You,
Listening ever closely.
Every one of Your godly lovers receives
Even more than what they ask for!
For You hear what their hearts really long for
And You bring them Your saving strength!”

Over and over again we’ve been surprised how God can use a simple little peach and do things beyond or understanding. We have processed 2,951,000 Lbs. of fresh fruit, which made 1,936,75 Lbs. dried fruit.  We also made 34,761 Lbs. of soup this Summer, or 871,047 servings.

It’s been incredible to be that little puzzle piece in God’s bigger picture. But not only that, not only will that little peach be saving hungry people all over the world, but it has already touched every heart who worked with it here at Gleanings.  People have been experiencing God’s realness and were encouraged to be used by Him in all their imperfection.

Here are two summer stories I’d like to share:

“Upon arriving, I realized very rapidly just how unqualified and unprepared I am to be a peach plant manager. I still sometimes wake up and think that I have absolutely nothing to give or offer today. But God has been faithful to remind me each day that He has given me everything I need for to handle any situation what may come up and that I can do everything through Christ. And as I stand on that truth, I have never once felt helpless or without a support. The way he has cared for my emotional, spiritual and physical well-being has blown my socks off.” -Noey

“Most of the time to receive peaches from farmers is more like a business. But this Summer one of the packers called me and almost begged that we would take their peaches, otherwise he would be heartbroken to have to throw them away. I haven’t had that happen before, it was encouraging to feel the heart behind it.” -Fritz

I hope you all are encouraged and we can’t wait to see what kind of story God is writing for the next half of the Summer. Stay tuned!


Week: July 11th-16th

Week: July 11th-16th

This week has been very unique and special. Starting with morning sharing time, to having a group of people with disabilities to come and serve with us at the end of week, we were reminded of one of the most common lies the devil tries to get us all believe ‘something is wrong with you. You lack in some way!’ He made each of us unique and there is no one created exactly like us in the whole world. Sometimes, we may feel like a peach who was labeled ‘NO GOOD’ in the eyes of the world, but in God’s eyes we are labeled ‘MOST EXCELLENT IN EVERY WAY’, the very best to be used by Him.

Our brothers and sisters from Young Nak church taught us how to have joy in simple things, oh, and I have to tell you, the joy this week was not only great but very contagious.

We are so thankful for weeks and moments like these, because like our love feast speaker Sysco said, we are like gold in the Master’s hands, and He purifies, and purifies, and purifies us until He sees his reflection in us. This week felt like a lot like that in some or other way.

Yes, work also got done, but I think the work on hearts was far greater!

In the pictures you will not be able to find a lot of group photos, because I think God was highlighting the individual beauty, inside and out, this week.

You are altogether beautiful, beautiful in every way, there is no flaw in you! – Song of Songs 4:7